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About WiConnect

Welcome to WiConnect!

The IDB Group is the leading source of development finance for Latin America and the Caribbean. It helps to improve lives by providing financial solutions and development know- how to public and private sector clients. The group comprises the IDB, which has worked with governments for 60 years; IDB Invest, which serves the private sector; and IDB Lab, which tests innovative ways to enable more inclusive growth.

Likewise, we work on Citizen Participation topics by encouraging the coordinated work between the three main regional development stakeholders:

The IDB Group works in five levels of engagement for coordinating actions between these organization types:

  • Information
  • Dialogue
  • Consultations
  • Collaboration
  • Partnerships

WiConnect contributes to foster this joint work between stakeholders as a geo-referenced networking platform for civil society, governments and private sector.

It contributes creating shared value agendas by giving visibility to civil society organizations (CSOs), local governments and companies in various sectors and countries from Latin America and the Caribbean.

Upon registration on WiConnect, organizations belonging to the IDB’s 26 member countries can access premium content such as:

  • Latest information about their sector of interest
  • Calls for project proposals
  • Trainings and scholarships
  • Technical exchange events
  • International visibility for your organization among potential donors, partners, and/or investors.


Topics of Civil Society are led by the Vice Presidency for Countries in Washington, D.C.


Flavia Milano |


Azul Miranda (focal point for the WiConnect  platform) |

María Enriqueta Ponce (content creation and revision for the new Institutional Capacity Program courses)

Montserrat Corbella (identification and systematization of operational learning for Civil Society outreach)

Andrea Dusso (Training and capacity building)

Citibeats (CivicLytics Artificial Intelligence team support)

Click here to contact the coordination support team in each country

Register here.



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