PPP Americas 2023

From 18 to 20 july
Hybrid - Live from Panama City and through PPP Americas Virtual Platform

General Description


PPP Americas is the most important forum for discussion on Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in Latin America and the Caribbean, held every two years by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and hosted by a member government, with the participation of key players from the public and private sectors.

Its eleventh edition will be held in Panama City from July 18 to 20, 2023, in coordination with the National Government and other strategic partners.


Join us at pppamericas.com

Contact us at [email protected]


WiConnect is the IDB Group’s georeferenced platform that allows knowing who does what, where and how in Latin America and the Caribbean with the purpose of advancing towards the sustainable growth of the countries. If you are not yet part of this community, REGISTER your organization NOW. You will be able to access more premium content, find out about scholarships and financing opportunities, connect with potential allies for your development projects and make your organization visible.

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