Skills for Youth. Investing in human capital in Latin America and the Caribbean

January 24th, 10 p.m - 1 p.m
Hybrid event

General Description


How do we equip youth to thrive and be changemakers while reducing inequality in the region? How do we create more opportunities?

On the International Day of Education, we invite you to this hybrid event at IDB headquarters in Washington, DC. It will be a gathering of global leaders from the private and public sector and experts on the regional agenda to transform the future of education with a focus on 21st Century skill.


Join us in person HERE.
Join us virtually via Social Media HERE.

WiConnect is the IDB Group’s georeferenced platform that allows knowing who does what, where and how in Latin America and the Caribbean with the purpose of advancing towards the sustainable growth of the countries. If you are not yet part of this community, REGISTER your organization NOW. You will be able to access more premium content, find out about scholarships and financing opportunities, connect with potential allies for your development projects and make your organization visible.

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