News & Opportunities

The latest in current development affairs in the region.

IDB to Begin Public Consultations on New Access to Information Policy Proposal

The public consultation will consist of three phases, the details of which will be shared through the Public Consultation Process Portal. [...]

Do test scores determine school quality?

Student performance on standardized tests is typically the main measure of school quality. Important decisions often rely on test-score metrics. [...]

Series of round tables with local partners on stakeholder inclusion in development projects 2022

With an attendance of more than 30 people from all regions of the country, the third 2022 thematic dialogue was held in Guyana on August 3. [...]

How community involvement contributes to inclusive program delivery in Guyana

Engaging beneficiary communities in program planning and coordination is key for inclusive and sustainable development in Guyana. [...]

Six reasons to nurture urban parks

It is proven that green spaces generate multiple benefits that improve our overall wellbeing. [...]

Cities on pedals: the habit of urban cycling may have come to stay

Using the bicycle, instead of motorized vehicles, to move around our cities is becoming more and more popular around the world. [...]

Unlocking the employment potential of Latin America’s Energy Transition

To fully unlock the employment potential of the energy transition, we must delve deeper into the factors that drive this hiring process. [...]

Express strategy: IDB Group-Civil Society Engagement

Learn how the IDB includes citizens in an early and timely manner through planning for effective citizen participation. [...]

The GPS of the Group-Civil Society Engagement Strategy

What are the entry points to participate in the engagement levels and who areresponsible for implementing the strategy in the country? [...]

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