News & Opportunities

The latest in current development affairs in the region.


CIVICA is a magazine with trends and hard data related to complex civic issues. Changes in social unrest and polarization, as well as opportunities for innovation, arise. [...]

COVID-19 and the Citizenry: the first 120 days.

Findings using Artificial Intelligence to understand the trends among citizens and crisis exit strategies. Download to find out more about your country. [...]

Public Consultations: Step by Step: 300 Regulatory and Legal Frameworks Applicable in Latin America and the Caribbean

Public consultation with those impacted by a project/operation contribute to sustainable development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Learn to plan them in a simple way. [...]

Publication: Governments and Civil Society Advancing Climate Agendas

La importancia de un relacionamiento efectivo con la Sociedad Civil para el mejor avance e implementación de los compromisos y objetivos de sostenibi[...]

Extractive Sector and Civil Society: When the work of communities, governments, and industries leads to development

How can governments, communities and industries use their diverse interests and needs to generate mutual benefits for all stakeholders [...]

Trinidad & Tobago: publication of interest

Los siguientes son los productos de conocimiento generados por el BID en colaboración con sociedad civil [...]

Suriname: 2 publications of interest

Los siguientes son los productos de conocimiento generados por el BID en colaboración con sociedad civil [...]

Jamaica: 3 publications of interest

Los siguientes son los productos de conocimiento generados por el BID en colaboración con sociedad civil [...]

Jairo Quirós: “The Costa Rican electrical matrix is practically 100% renewable”

In this video the researcher explores the key elements for the socio-economic context in Costa Rica, as well as advancements in the academia to transi[...]

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