With an attendance of more than 30 people from all regions of the country, including representatives of indigenous peoples, chambers of commerce and industry, startups, youth groups, people with disabilities, the third 2022 thematic dialogue was held in Guyana on August 3.
The meeting facilitated the exchange of best practices in advancing development agendas between governments, the private sector and civil society, emphasizing the importance of planned and anticipated inclusion of stakeholders for the sustainability of initiatives.
The round table was held as part of the “Thematic Dialogues: Stakeholder Inclusion in Development Projects 2022” series. During the event, the main challenges faced by Guyanese organizations in their process of broadening participation and strengthening their key role in contributing to the country’s development were addressed.
IDB specialists and representatives of Guyanese organizations discussed possible collaborative actions between civil society-private sector-government to address post-pandemic challenges and advance in the design and implementation of solutions in important areas such as infrastructure, health, education, among others.
Flavia Milano, IDB Group Citizen Participation leader, highlighted the main axes of the organization’s Civil Society Inclusion Strategy and its relevance to leverage solutions that respond to the real needs of communities. In this regard, she stressed the need to plan ahead inclusion processes based on actions with information initiatives, spaces for dialogue, public consultations, collaboration and partnerships (how to implement these levels and learn about success and failure cases available here).
"The massive use of new technologies have marked a change in citizen participation unprecedented in history. This allows as never before to understand firsthand the needs and perceptions that people express in the networks. Knowing the needs makes it possible to design and execute initiatives that respond to them, gaining opportunities in the sustainability of agendas of shared value among the three main actors of development: governments, private sector, civil society". Flavia Milano, IDB Group Citizen Participation leader.
New meetings of the cycle of thematic roundtables promoted by the IDB Group will be published soon to maintain the proximity with organizations in different countries, exchanging data, evidence and good practices regarding the value of advance planning of inclusion actions in the design and implementation of development projects in Latin America and the Caribbean.
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