The IDB listens to citizen inputs for the modernization of Environmental and Social Policies


We are conducting in-person and online public consultations so citizens can inform our new framework for environmental and social safeguards with their ideas and knowledge. Our goal is to ensure environmentally and socially sustainable results in IDB operations. 





First, check the draft proposal of the Environmental and Social Policy Framework (ESPF) by clicking here.


Web-based consultations

Interested parties will have the opportunity to submit feedback on the draft ESPF through this website or by sending an email at: [email protected] . The first round of comments may be sent until April 17, 2020.


In-person consultations

If you are interested in participating in these meetings and in receiving more information you can register here. You may find the draft agenda for these meetings here, and send comments to the email [email protected].

To see the calendar for these meetings and access other documents of interest for this consultation, click here.

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