News & Opportunities

The latest in current development affairs in the region.

Effective work with Indigenous peoples: How does my organization measure up?

Effective work with Indigenous peoples not only implies recognizing their rights but also their identity... [...]

Shaping Smart Cities in Latin America and the Caribbean

The rapid urbanization process observed in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), during the last decades has posed multiple challenges to the region [...]

The role of Civil Society, Governments, and the Private Sector in fostering development in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Over the past few decades, the Latin American and Caribbean region has seen significant changes [...]

Project Management for Results (PM4R)

ACERCA DEL CURSO   Para que un proyecto alcance mayor impacto en el desarrollo de un país, es necesario [...]

Promoting E-Commerce in Latin America and the Caribbean

E-commerce is an opportunity to make the global trading system more inclusive. It allows micro-, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to access[...]

Management of Social Projects for Civil Society Organizations (MOOC)

Este curso abierto virtual es parte de la propuesta del Programa de Capacitación Institucional del Grupo BI [...]

Why a responsible extractive sector is development? Best practices in joint with the civil society

Did you know that extractive activities represent 4% of the GDP of Latin America and the Caribbean? [...]

Times change, rules change: A new citizen engagement

To set the ground for an engagement with Civil Society that effectively contributes to the goals of reducing inequality and poverty, promoting product[...]

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