News & Opportunities

The latest in current development affairs in the region.

Laura Secada: “The role of citizen participation in Perú’s Climate Change Policy is key”

Aprende a incorporar aportes de actores no gubernamentales en las Contribuciones Nacionalmente Determinadas en Perú para adaptación y mitigación de[...]

What does learning to dance have to do with the collective effect of sharing good practices of civic participation?

In the Argentine Patagonia the program for small and middle sized businesses(SME) in the San Jorge Gulf, citizens and academia work together with the [...]

Job opportunity: Data Scientist

We are looking for a Social Data Analyst to be an expert on using our AI #CivicLytics. Apply until March 15th. [...]

COVID-19: Citizens are news

CivicLytics is allowing us to know the impact of the pandemic and work together to support the scenarios for exiting the crisis. The press echoed this effort in dozens of articles [...]

Argentina: conversations about economic security in households and companies during COVID-19 (Spanish)

Citizens reported being worried about debt and inflation in Argentina during the first 120 days of the pandemic. [...]

Panama: video with main findings affecting the population during the pandemic (Spanish)

A report with findings on citizen trends and exit strategies during the first 4 months of COVID-19, using the public citizen observatory, CivicLytics.[...]

Chile: citizen unrest in times of COVID-19 (Spanish)

This article explains how the CivicLytics platform supports citizens, governments, and private sector to act towards solutions to exit the crisis [...]

Bolivia: understanding real needs of citizens to make informed decisions (Spanish)

Economic security at home and at companies has generated different types of conversations. [...]

Colombia: report on citizen trends and measures during the first months of COVID-19 (Spanish)

Lack of water in different neighborhoods in the most important cities in the region. This makes hygiene and wellness practices during quarantine more [...]

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