IX Encuentro Anual Grupo BID-Sociedad Civil Caribe “Participación Ciudadana para la Transparencia”

12 de noviembre de 2019
Bridgetown, Barbados

Descripción General

El Encuentro Grupo BID-Sociedad Civil Caribe “Participación Ciudadana para la Transparencia” contó con representantes y expertos de Barbados, Bahamas, Trinidad y Tobago, Suriname, Guyana y Jamaica, para el intercambio activo de perspectivas sobre el rol de la participación ciudadana para generar transparencia y gobiernos abiertos. 


Con el avance de nuevas tecnologías de la información y el acelerado crecimiento económico de la región en los últimos años, la participación ciudadana del Caribe adquirió un nuevo rol, ampliándose a nuevas formas de avanzar las agendas de transparencia de los gobiernos y del sector privado.

Los participantes pudieron conocer y compartir en una mesa de alto nivel los últimos desarrollos estratégicos de los gobiernos desde la intersección entre la participación ciudadana, construcción colaborativa de políticas públicas, e iniciativas de gobierno abierto en el Caribe.


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#BIDSociedadCivil #IDBCivilSociety

#BIDParticipacionCiudadana #IDBCitizenEngagement

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Información antes de viajar

Bridgetown, Barbados será la sede de la IX Reunión Anual del Grupo BID – Sociedad Civil Caribe el 12 de noviembre.

Revisa en esta sección todo lo que debe saber antes de viajar.

Bridgetown es la capital de Barbados. Es la ciudad más grande del país, con una población aproximada de 110,000 habitantes (en 2014). Fundada en 1628, ha sido establecida patrimonio histórico y cultural de la humanidad por la UNESCO.

Hotel – Sede del Evento

Hilton Barbados Resort
Needham’s Point St Michael
Bridgetown, Bridgetown

Aeropuerto Internacional de Barbados

El Aeropuerto Internacional Grantley Adams (también conocido como Aeropuerto de Seawell) se encuentra en Seawell, 16 km (10 millas) al este de Bridgetown.


Admisión y gastos de participación

1- El evento está abierto a representantes de la sociedad civil de los Barbados, Trinidad y Tobago, Bahamas, Guyana, Jamaica, y Suriname.

2- El evento está libre de gastos de inscripción.


Bridgetown es una ciudad calurosa, debido a su posición geográfica y a que durante la mayor parte del año predominan las temperaturas cálidas. En noviembre la temperatura estaría alrededor de los 24-30 °C, con presencia de lluvias aproximadamente 14 días del mes.

Idioma e interpretación

El idioma más hablado en Bridgetown es el inglés. El Bajan es un segundo idioma hablado por gran parte de la población. Durante todas las sesiones del evento se hablará inglés, y no habrá servicio de interpretación simultánea al español.


El Dólar de Barbados es la moneda de curso legal actual de ese país.

Evento verde

La IX Reunión BID Sociedad Civil es un evento verde. La mayor parte de la información será compartida en las pantallas previstas. Alentamos a todos los participantes a imprimir la cantidad mínima de documentos y papeles. Al momento del registro, los participantes recibirán un paquete de información.

Referencia horaria

La hora oficial en Barbados es UTC-4. Para conocer la hora exacta puede revisar este enlace.


Los materiales, equipos y artefactos personales de los participantes están bajo tu exclusiva responsabilidad. Sugerimos a todos los participantes tomar las precauciones necesarias para garantizar su seguridad. Por ejemplo: use las cajas de seguridad de la habitación de su hotel para guardar documentos y valores; no dejar a la vista cámaras fotográficas y video, y tomar únicamente medios de transporte debidamente identificados o recomendados.

Seguros de viaje y salud

Cada participante es responsable por los seguros médicos o de viaje por robos o accidentes personales. Sugerimos tomar seguros de viajero. El BID no es responsable por seguros médicos o de viaje. Tampoco es responsable por robos o accidentes antes, durante o después del evento.


El trayecto en taxi desde el aeropuerto hasta el Hilton Barbados Resort toma aproximadamente 25 minutos, y tiene un costo aproximado de US$20.00. Los costos de transporte terrestre IN/OUT aeropuerto, así como otros ajenos a las actividades del evento quedarán bajo la responsabilidad de cada participante. Se recomienda contratar los servicios de las empresas de taxi localizadas en el aeropuerto o que se ofrecen en los hoteles.


Se sugiere vestimenta casual / elegante-sport durante el evento. Recuerda que la temperatura en las salas de conferencias puede variar.


La necesidad de visa depende de la nacionalidad de cada visitante. Sin embargo, casi todos los países de Latinoamérica pueden ingresar a Barbados sin visa. Para ver la lista completa sobre nacionalidades y requerimientos de visas, haz click aquí.

Puedes comunicarte al correo electrónico [email protected] o al teléfono +1246 535-4100 para realizar consultas.

Para más información haz click aquí. Los tiempos de trámites de visa varían, aunque por lo general toman un par de semanas. En caso de necesitar visa sugerimos iniciar los trámites cuanto antes. El BID no se responsabiliza ni asume gastos incurridos para obtener la visa.


La vacuna contra la fiebre amarilla es obligatoria para todos los viajeros procedentes de un país en el que existe la fiebre amarilla (endémico). Haz click aquí para conocer la lista de países con riesgo de transmisión.

Descargo de responsabilidad para uso de fotos y videos

El evento será grabado y fotografiado. Participando del mismo, tú aceptas el uso futuro de estos materiales audiovisuales y fotográficos por parte del Grupo BID y renuncias a todos los derechos que puedas tener en relación con su uso.

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November 12, 2019

Needham Meeting Room

Hilton Barbados Resort

Needham’s Point St Michael
Bridgetown, Bridgetown

8:00 am

Registration and networking

9:15 am – 9:30 am

Opening remarks

  • Juan Carlos de la Hoz, IDB Group Country Representative in Barbados
  • Hon. Colin E. Jordan, Minister of Labour and Social Partnership Relations, Barbados


9:30 am – 10:15 am

How civil society can strengthen transparency and reduce corruption in the Caribbean?

  • Alexandre Meira da Rosa, Vice President for Countries, IDB
  • Hon. Marsha Caddle, Minister of Economic Affairs and Investment, Barbados
  • Therese Turner-Jones, Manager Caribbean Region, IDB


10:15 am – 10:30 am

Coffee break

10:30 am – 11:45 am

How much access to information do we have and how is it delivered?

What are the challenges in Caribbean countries regarding freedom of information policies? How to advocate for improvement?

  • Trevor Munroe, Executive Director, National Integrity Action, Jamaica
  • Marie Legault, High Commissioner of Canada in Barbados
  • Kay Sharon McConney, Senator and Minister of Innovation, Science, and Smart Technology, Barbados
  • Insights from our audience participants

Moderator: Francesco de Simone, Transparency Sector Specialist, IDB


11:45 am – 1:00 pm

Monitoring the use of public resources through citizen engagement: What is access to information for?

How can access to information provide better understanding of public sector functioning? Can access to information help citizens and the private sector follow taxpayer’s money? Can citizens use information to define the budget?

  • Laura Neuman, Director, Rule of Law Program, Carter Center
  • Gavin Hayman, Executive Director, Communications and Engagement, Open Contracting
  • Manuel González Caballero, Latin America Regional Manager, CoST
  • Insights from our audience participants

Moderator: Nicolas Dassen, Modernization of State Senior Specialist, IDB


1:00 pm – 2:15 pm


2:15 pm – 3:30 pm

Media and citizen participation: allies or foes?

  • Julian Rogers, Managing Director, Jamaica Observer
  • Kiana Wilburg, Guyana Press Association
  • Carol Martindale, Executive Editor, Nation Publishing, Barbados
  • Afra Raymond, Columnist for transparency and accountability, Trinidad & Tobago

Moderator: Pablo Bachelet, Communications Principal Specialist, IDB



3:30 pm – 4:45 pm

Citizen Participation for Transparency: scenarios toward the future

Which will be our role towards the future regarding the new schemes of public governance? How are CSOs present in the room planning to build trust as a commodity after it has shifted from CSOs, from Governments and Private Sector to a hashtag?

Moderator: Flavia Milano, Operations & Citizen Participation Sr Specialist, IDB


4:45 pm – 5:00 pm

Takeaways and reflections

  • Selwin Hart, Executive Director for The Bahamas, Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago, IDB

5:00 pm – 5:15 pm

Closing remarks

  • Hon. Dale D. Marshall, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Barbados


5:15 pm – 7:00 pm

Cultural event and closing cocktail


Juan Carlos De la Hoz

Country Representative in Barbados


Juan Carlos De la Hoz Vinas is our Country Representative in Barbados.

Hon. Colin E. Jordan, MP

Minister of Labour and Social Partnership Relations

Government of Barbados

Holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics and Accounting. He is former Chair of the Schools’ Tourism Education Programme Committee, a programme he pioneered and one for which he is passionate. During his tenure he developed and executed a number of other projects including the booking engine, BookBarbadosNow.com, the book “Island in the Sun: The History of Tourism in Barbados,” establishing the Tourism Working Group, a research group that includes all of the major stakeholders, an annual school’s competition, among others. Colin was most recently Director of Business Development with the Mango Bay Group, a position he held for nine years. He has served on various other boards and committees including the Community Tourism Foundation, the Board of the Barbados Tourism Authority and the National Insurance Board.

Alexandre Meira da Rosa

Vice President for Countries


A Brazilian citizen, was appointed Vice President for Countries in July 2014. Before, managed the IDB’s Infrastructure and Environment Sector. During the last decade before joining the IDB, Mr. Rosa held different positions in Brazil’s Federal Government and served as the main Brazilian officer responsible for the formulation of policies in said institutions. In that capacity, he also headed the Committee on External Financing (COFIEX), the Brazilian government body responsible for the approval and monitoring of execution of all development projects.Mr. Rosa has a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, a Master’s degree in Economics from the New School for Social Research in New York and a Graduate Certificate in Finance from the University of California, Berkeley.

Hon. Miss Marsha K. A. Caddle, B.A., M.Sc.

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Investment

Government of Barbados

Her background in Economics has focused on financing for development, macro-fiscal governance, and inequality and labour. Prior to joining the Cabinet of Barbados, Ms. Caddle worked as Governance Specialist with the Caribbean Development Bank, where she managed the Bank’s Governance and Institutional Development programme, including global and regional financial cooperation, public financial management and statistical systems. She has written and spoken extensively on issues of economic justice, providing advice to governments and international organisations on inclusive growth and equality.

Therese Turner-Jones

Country Representative for Jamaica and General Manager, Caribbean Country Department Caribbean Group (CCB)


She has been the IDB’s country representative for Jamaica since 2013. In 2017 she was promoted to general manager of IDB’s Country Department Caribbean Group (CCB)with operations in Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago and her home country, the Bahamas. A trained economist, Mrs. Turner-Jones has over 25 years’ experience in macroeconomics and economic development, with special emphasis on the Caribbean. She served the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in senior posts for over 20 years and a was advisor to the Executive Director for Canada, Ireland, and the Caribbean. She holds a master’s degree in Economics from the University of East Anglia, and is member of the International Women’s Forum.

Trevor Munroe, CD, DPhil (Oxford)

Executive Director

National Integrity Action (NIA)

He has a distinguished record as an academic in civil society advocacy and in public service. He has authored and co-authored a number of books on Caribbean democratic governance. He has two Fulbright Fellowships taken up at Harvard University in the United States and served in Jamaica’s Senate for 10 years, championing legislation for greater transparency, accountability and good governance. He also served on the Executive of the Confederation of Trade Unions and served as consultant to USAID, UKDFID, the UNDP, UNESCO, the OAS, and the Carter Center. He is currently a member of the Council of the “Partnership for a Prosperous Jamaica”, served in Jamaica’s National Security Council, and is founding member of the Jamaica Civil Society Coalition

Marie Legault

High Commissioner of Canada in Barbados

Government of Canada

Holds a BA Political Science from the University of Geneva, and a MA in International Relations, from Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Switzerland. She joined the Canadian International Development Agency in 1996. At Headquarters, she served as director for the Central America Division (2006 to 2008) and director of programming for the Haiti Division (2014 to 2016). She has also served in the Privy Council Office in the Foreign and Defence Policy Secretariat (2002 to 2005). Abroad, she was posted to the High Commission of Canada to Jamaica, serving as head of the Cooperation Program (2010 to 2014).

Kay Sharon McConney

Minister of Innovation, Science, and Smart Technology

Government of Barbados

This Minister’s mandate is to lead the modernization and transformational agenda of Barbados’ public sector, and to create an enabling environment for a vibrant digital economy and a digitally-intelligent society. In 2017, the University of West Indies honored her with the Vice Chancellor’s award for outstanding contribution to the international advancement of the Caribbean region. Minister McConney is a former high-level diplomat at the United Nations; a former negotiator for the World Trade Organization, and a former Consul-General in Canada. Before taking up her role as Minister, she headed a company that specialized in leading strategic change, and for the last decade she has been an expert resource for various international development initiatives.

Francesco De Simone

Modernization of the State Specialist


Francesco De Simone is the IDB Modernization of the State Specialist based in Kingston, Jamaica. Before joining the IDB Jamaica country office he was Technical Advisor of the Transparency Fund, managed by the State Institutional Capacity Division (ICS). Prior to joining the Transparency Fund, Francesco worked on transparency and anti-corruption issues at the IDB Office of Institutional Integrity, at the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center, based in Norway, at Transparency International, and in the private sector. Francesco got masters at the University ’Orientale in Napoli, Italy, and at George Washington University.

Laura Neuman

Director, Rule of Law Program

Carter Center

She directs and implements the Carter Center’s programming regarding transparency, good governance, and access to justice, including projects in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. Neuman developed the innovative access to information legislation Implementation Assessment Tool and the Women and the Right of Access to Information project. In February 2018, she convened the conference “Inform Women, Transform Lives,” which culminated with the Atlanta Declaration for the Advancement of Women’s Right of Access to Information. She has been consultant, academic writer, and speaker on the right of access to information, fostering transparency, preventing corruption and feminist open government, as well as access to information legislation, implementation, enforcement, and use.

Gavin Hayman

Executive Director, Communications and Engagement

Open Contracting

He has served as Executive Director for Global Witness, overseeing their ground-breaking and award-winning investigative, campaigning and advocacy work uncovering secret deals, corruption and conflict around the world. He helped create the international Publish What You Pay campaign and helped negotiate the intergovernmental Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. He is an expert in illicit financial flows, and helped lead global efforts to end the abuse of anonymous shell companies for money laundering and financial crime and has a Doctorate from the University of Reading on global environmental crime.

Manuel Gonzalez Caballero

Regional Manager for Latin America

Infrastructure Transparency Initiative (CoST)

Manuel leads on the CoST Latin America strategy, identifying opportunities for CoST within the region and providing technical support and advice to the region’s country managers and multi-stakeholder groups. He is a lawyer and has specialised in public contracting, public administration and governance, transparency and anti-corruption policies. Prior to joining CoST, Manuel worked for the Panama National Procurement Office leading the implementation of transparency and open government reforms, including those such as CoST. He helped develop the first Anti-Corruption Risk Map with the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime. He has an excellent knowledge of Latin America countries, having studied and worked in Argentina, Costa Rica, Chile, Dominican Republic and Uruguay.

Nicolás Dassen

Modernization of the State Senior Specialist


Expert on Transparency and Accountability at the Inter-American Development Bank.

Julian Ernest Rogers

Managing Director

Jamaica Observer

Barbados-born broadcaster, journalist and media manager with over 50 years of experience in print, television and radio. Rogers is noted for his work in regional television as the host and producer of several programmes including Talk Caribbean with the Caribbean Broadcasting Union. He launched the most successful morning television programme in Trinidad and Tobago in the 1990s. Rogers holds a degree in Communications from the University of West Indies, and works as a media trainer in the Caribbean. He has also served as a consultant and adviser to several regional and international institutions on media development.

Kiana Wilburg


Kaieteur Newspaper

At Kaieteur, her primary focus is oil and gas reportage with emphasis on the behaviourial patterns of companies, corruption, and mechanisms countries must implement to get the most for their resources. She was recently awarded by the Guyana Press Association for her outstanding coverage, and also hosts a weekly programme on the Kaieteur Radio station called Guyana’s Oil and Yo which seeks to educate citizens on these issues.

Carol Martindale

Executive Editor

Nation Publishing

As Executive Editor, Carol is responsible for charting a new course for an integrated newsroom comprising print, digital and radio news. Carol has worked her way through the ranks of the company from 18 years old when she joined as a trainee reporter. She has held various positions in the company including Managing Editor, Sunday Sun Editor, Weekend Nation Editor, Online Editor and News Editor. She studied at City University, where she received her MA in Communications Policy, and holds a BA in Journalism from Ryerson University. She has received a number of professional awards including the Barbados Award and a certificate of Merit Award from Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO), the United Nations Population Fund Caribbean Award, as well as a number of Nation awards through the years for outstanding work.

Afra Raymond

Columnist for transparency and accountability

Trinidad & Tobago

A leading expert in the fields of property valuation and project management, he works against corruption in Trinidad and Tobago, demanding more transparency and accountability from its leaders. His work has focused on the CL Financial collapse of 2009 and subsequent government bailout. Also, he has written about white-collar crime, good governance and national development. He is a Chartered Surveyor and Managing Director of Raymond & Pierre Limited and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) in January 2011. He has served in various positions on Boards such as the Federation of Black Housing Organizations (FBHO), the Trinidad Building & Loan Association (TBLA), and the Institute of Surveyors of Trinidad & Tobago (ISTT).

Pablo Bachelet

Communications Principal Specialist


He provides strategic communications advice and training to senior managers and experts at the Inter-American Development Bank, using both traditional media and digital tools to leverage reach, coaxing key messages out of specialists and translating them into engaging content for a broad audience, in English and Spanish. He coordinates with governments, the private sector and academia the production of blogs, events, press releases, talking points, op-eds, presentations and scripts. Also, he helps management navigate communications during reputational crises and conducts media outreach processes. Throughout his career, he has acquired broad experience in digital governments, anti-corruption and crime prevention, migration, trade and integration. One of his regions of expertise is the Caribbean.

Flavia Milano

Operations & Citizen Participation Sr Specialist


Attorney, LL.M., Juris Doctor. Holds a Masters Degree in Poverty Reduction and Development, and a Public Leadership certification (Harvard University), and a specialization in Environmental Issues from the Cathedra UNESCO. She leads the new IDB Group-Civil Society Engagement Strategy and its Action Plan, is a member of the World Bank Experts Advisory Council on Citizen Engagement. She has directed business and Human Rights initiatives in Africa, Latin America, Europe and North America; was Country Representative in Mozambique and consultant in legal and development-related issues in Europe. She has overseen projects on gender inclusion, economic and social rights and contributed and led publications about Corporate Social Responsibility, due diligence, as well as public consultations with civil society, for governments and the private sector.

Selwin Hart

Executive Director for The Bahamas, Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago


Hon. Dale D. Marshall

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs

Government of Barbados

He was educated at the University of the West Indies and the Hugh Wooding Law School. He is the holder of a LLB with Honours and a Certificate in Legal Education. He is a member of the Barbados Bar Association and the Computer Law Association Appointed to the Senate in 1999, he has given public service between 1994-1997 as Chairman of the Board of the National Housing Corporation, Chairman of the Urban Development Commission 1997-1999 and Chairman of the Barbados Tourism Authority 1999-2000.

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