We are knowledge brokers for community based learning, enabling you to be an effective player in the interphase between communities and national/ international policy processes. By working with you to constantly improve our mutual understanding of rural development challenges, we are able to co-design and co-deliver customized and efficient knowledge-management tools and methodologies, we connect local knowledge to global knowledge markets, and we provide the structured platforms.
Año de fundación
10 - 50k
Presupuesto anual promedio USD

10-50 empleados
Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural · Cambio Climático y Sostenibilidad · Comercio e Integración Regional
¿Qué han alcanzado hasta ahora y cuáles son los próximos pasos?
We build local capacities and foster local talents to empower communities, businesses and marginalized groups, and to contribute to larger scale policy processes. Our current network of local talents or knowledge champions sums up to over 750, representing 250 different communities, organizations and policy makers. By accessing the global knowledge market, the local talents are able to diversify their incomes and improve their lives.
¿Cómo se aseguran de que están haciendo las cosas bien?
PROCASUR has a strong focus on expanding or scaling up successful or innovative interventions. Disseminating and scaling up successful practices identified with the development of more than 1,000 action plans is a key factor in ensuring the sustainability of the programs implemented.
¿Cuáles son los compromisos sociales y ambientales a los que se adhieren?
To promote the two twin issues of climate change and natural resources management, especially among International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) projects and partners, PROCASUR Corporation, in collaboration with IFAD, have organized several Learning Routes in relate to Natural Resource Management and Climate Change Adaptation Best Practices; designed with the main objective of encouraging the scaling-up of the best multi-stakeholders strategies.
¿Cómo se identifican los miembros de tu organización?
We are a multidisciplinary team, of diverse nationalities, united in pursuit of the eradication of rural poverty.
Información adicional
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Ford Foundation, the International Land Coalition (ILC), the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the International Land Coalition (ILC), OXFAM Novib, CARE International, Diversity & Development, KARIANET and the UN Habitat's Global Land Tool Network are among our main partners and clients.


Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural · Cameroon, Mali, Madagascar and Senegal

Program funded by IFAD and implemented by PROCASUR that seeks to respond to the needs and demands of rural youth in Central and West Africa and East Africa by testing innovative local solutions previously re-designed and adapted to different territories.

> 10 - 50k
Financiado por

Heriberto Covarrubias 21 / Santiago / 599 / Metropolitana / Chile


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