Somos la cámara de turismo nacional del sector privado con más de 400 miembros que ofrecen todos los servicios turisticos... Hoteles / complejos turísticos, operadores turísticos, restaurantes, guías turísticos, empresas de transporte, etc. Agradecemos la oportunidad de proporcionar cualquier enlace con agentes internacionales para la creación de asociaciones comerciales positivas.
Ano de fundação
Orçamento médio anual USD

1-10 empregados
Turismo Sustentável · Mudança Climática e Sustentabilidade · Meio Ambiente/Desastres Naturais
¿Qué han alcanzado hasta ahora y cuáles son los próximos pasos?
We remain as the umbrella association for the tourism private sector by offering three primary benefits to our members: a. marketing, b. training and advocacy. We represent over 400 members from all destinations countrywide which include hotels, tour operators, restaurants, car rentals to chocolate companies.
¿Cómo se aseguran de que están haciendo las cosas bien?
We remain inclusive of all tourism stakeholders and we continue to build partnerships with the public sector and with other NGOs.
¿Cuáles son los compromisos sociales y ambientales a los que se adhieren?
The BTIA promotes the sustainable management and development of the tourism sector. We work closely with all communities towards a balance lifestyles for locals, tourists and our natural resources.
¿Cómo se identifican los miembros de tu organización?
Our membership consists of all seven ethnic groups, we set no barriers of businesses own by women, and offer opportunities to all members to build their skills and knowledge.
Información adicional
The BTIA was founded as the umbrella organization by a wide range of tourism stakeholders in the 1980s. We include as part of the Board of Directors the Presidents of the other tourism association such the Association for Cruise Service Providers, Belize Hotel Association and National Tour Operators Association.
Destination Belize magazine es la revista nacional que promociona todos los destinos y experiencias de Belize.

Juan (John) M. Burgos

Director Ejecutivo



#10 Taiwan Street P.O. Box 62 / Belize City / 501 / Belize / Belize


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