With the goal of offering educational access to young citizens and adults in low-income communities, Cidadão Pró-Mundo promotes social inclusion and integration in Brazil through weekly English classes. All teachers are volunteers. Due to its highly organized administrative, operational and governance framework, which complies with the most cutting-edge corporate models, CPM currently ranks as one of Brazil’s 100 Best NGOs and won “Best NGO in Education” in 2020.
Ano de fundação
Orçamento médio anual USD

1-10 empregados
Educação · Infância/Juventude
¿Qué han alcanzado hasta ahora y cuáles son los próximos pasos?
After 25 years of activity and relying on an innovative teaching-volunteering methodology, CPM now has approximately 1,400 volunteers, between teachers and administrative staff – all mobilized to meet the needs of over 2,5 thousand students: students who attend our English Course in person in one of our 12 Teaching Units.
¿Cómo se aseguran de que están haciendo las cosas bien?
Cidadão Pró-Mundo’s operating model is based on 3-hour long lessons during the weekends. Students attend classes once a week, on Saturdays or Sundays, depending on their teaching unit. After completing 10 six-month modules (5 years), students complete the CPM course with a B1 level of English proficiency (intermediate level), which is equivalent to the third level of the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR).
¿Cuáles son los compromisos sociales y ambientales a los que se adhieren?
With the application of this innovative methodology, developed by CPM and entitled ‘Rotating Volunteering’, each teacher partakes in 6 to 8 classes per semester on previously scheduled weekends (Saturday or Sunday), devoting an average of 5 hours per month for class planning and feedback after class. This enables volunteers to reconcile their schedule between personal commitments and their willingness to collaborate with the development of society.
¿Cómo se identifican los miembros de tu organización?
The mission of teach english lessons to residents of the outskirts and people in positions of social vulnerability over the last 20 years of history and activity, we have proudly served about 10 thousand students with the assistance of 4 thousand volunteers, ultimately consolidating and expanding our action model by appealing to the cause we advocate. Aiming to include all layers of society.
Información adicional
The Cidadão Pró-Mundo Association, a Public Interest Civil Society Organization (OSCIP), believes in transparency as a means of attesting its credibility to partners, associates, volunteers, students, government institutions and society. Therefore, the NGO insists on presenting financial statements and institutional documents that corroborates its commitment to building a more inclusive country.

CPM Connect

Educação · Brazil

CPM decided to offer the English course remotely in the second half of 2020. Main drivers for the decision were the uncertainty around the usage of the physical spaces in which the NGO operates and the uncertainties around the Covid-19 pandemic developments in Brazil.

> 50 -100k
Financiado por
Private Partner Companies

Ludmilla Fregonesi

Executive Director



Rua da Consolação, 247 - 12º Andar / São Paulo / 01301-000 / São Paulo / Brasil


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