Stichting FOB or Foundation for the Development of the Interior (Foundation FOB) is founded with the main goal of the financing of activities in Suriname, aimed at the advancement and the realization of integrated, self-perpetuated rural economies of the indigenous peoples and maroons living in the interior of Suriname
Ano de fundação
Orçamento médio anual USD

1-10 empregados
Microempreendimentos / Empresas Sociais · Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural · Mudança Climática e Sustentabilidade
¿Qué han alcanzado hasta ahora y cuáles son los próximos pasos?
Foundation FOB has successfully completed 17 sustainable projects in the interior of Suriname. The projects range from Drinking Water Systems to Energy Development systems.,
¿Cómo se aseguran de que están haciendo las cosas bien?
We measure project results through defining components to deliverables and project goals.
¿Cuáles son los compromisos sociales y ambientales a los que se adhieren?
We maximize positive results through rigorous project management tools P4R, Kanban Methodology, Result based Management. And the minimizing of negative results are handled trough good mitigation.
¿Cómo se identifican los miembros de tu organización?
Our organization has members who are part of the people we work for. These are the indigenous peoples and maroon people of the interior. We do not discriminate because it is not in our work culture.
Información adicional
We have are founded by the Government of Suriname to ensure that projects finances are management professionally and because we have the knowhow and knowledge for many years how to manage big projects on a large scale.

Marlon Cairo

Managing Director


Van Brussellaan Paramaribo / Paramaribo / 0000 / Paramaribo / Suriname


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