Public Consultations: Step by Step: 300 Regulatory and Legal Frameworks Applicable in Latin America and the Caribbean


To advance development initiatives in a new world of hyper-connected citizens, it is necessary to plan in a way in which citizen participation is effective. Public consultations are a part of that planning.


This publication provides precise guidance on how to conduct public consultations with stakeholders.


It also brings together more than 300 regulatory frameworks in Latin America and the Caribbean to conduct public consultations in the sectors of mining, fisheries, forestry, infrastructure, energy and environmental impact assessment system.


Special treatment is given to the legislation and regulations applicable to the free, prior and informed consultation of the ILO 169 for indigenous peoples, including disaggregation for the same sectors previously mentioned.



Public consultation with those impacted by a project/operation contribute to sustainable development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Learn to plan them in a simple and practical way with proven results and taking into account the regulations in your country.

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