Multilateral development banks can help ensure that artificial general intelligence is developed and used in a way that benefits everyone and minimize[...]
Encouraging the participation of women-led small and medium-sized enterprise in public procurement processes can help promote gender equality and wome[...]
Governors expressed support for the new President’s proposed vision and priorities - presented in the Annual Meeting - for the Latin American and Ca[...]
According to the most recent statistics, two out of every three children and adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean are victims of child abuse[...]
At the IDB, we create tools to plan the timely and meaningful inclusion of civil society that contribute to reduce the gap of social inclusion and ine[...]
The effects of climate change represent an urgent challenge to address: civil society is an important part of promoting government agendas in this dir[...]
Many factors lie behind observed gender gaps in labor market outcomes in Latin American and the Caribbean. But one remains largely invisible: transport and urban mobility.
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