News & Opportunities

The latest in current development affairs in the region.

Citizen Engagement is Essential to Achieve Latin America and the Caribbean’s Sustainability Goals

Climate change has a deep global impact at an unprecedented scale. Citizen participation is essential for governments to achieve their sustainability [...]

Governments and Civil Society Advancing Climate Agendas

Participants will learn about best engagement practices among governments and civil society, to advance climate change and environmental sustainabilit[...]

Exports, the Productivity Engine the Andean Region Needs

La baja productividad en las economías andinas en las últimas décadas puede explicarse, entre otros factores, por el escaso desarrollo del sector e[...]

How Latin American businesses can plug into the digital global economy

Thanks to the proliferation of mobile devices, Latin America has become a leading player in animation & gaming [...]

Have we reached the new world? From “fake news” to trust in a hyper-connected world

Information is more accessible than ever, but, as citizens, how can we tell if facts are truth? How do we use information as a tool for development? [...]

Grant opportunity for CSOs from Brazil and Dominican Republic

The World Bank-led Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA) launched its fourth Call global for Proposals to support social accountability [...]

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